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Local Apprenticeships Webinar


Thursday, Jun 30
10:30am - 11:30am
Online Webinar


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Webinar To Learn More About Local Apprenticeships

The Business Navigator Alliance of Clark, Coles, Crawford, Edgar, Effingham and Moultrie Counties has launched a series of webinars to assist businesses in the region in accessing resources that can help stimulate recovery and provide support as the economy rebounds from the pandemic.

The sixth webinar in the series featured Nate Carlson, the new Apprenticeship Navigator serving southcentral and southeastern Illinois and Jamie Corda-Hadjaoui, Director of Workforce Development Investment for the Local Workforce Investment Area 23.

Mr. Carlson explained how he’s working with local companies to establish apprenticeships.  He also detailed responsibilities and benefits of pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, and registered apprenticeship programs.  

Ms. Corda-Hadjaoui reviewed training assistance programs offered by the State through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and how they can work with apprenticeships.  Programs covered will include On-the-Job Training, Incumbent Worker Training, and Youth Work Experice.  

Check out the recording of the webinar here.

The Alliance was formed to provide professional outreach and technical assistance in applying for state and federal economic relief programs for businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19. The Alliance, which can be found at www.ilbusinessnavigators.com will continue to host outreach events, virtual offices hours, and provide one-on-one technical assistance.